Designing human-computer interaction for non-personal computing devices in urban space poses different challenges than designing for personal devices. In this paper we summarize the findings from a project developing smart urban objects to help elderly people participate in urban life. We present four key challenges that have been identi-fied designing such objects, and present first ideas for how to address these challenges. The four key challenges are adaptability (and data privacy), multi-user usage, walk-up-and-use and joy of use.
HCI, challenges, smart urban objects, outdoor, evaluation, adaptation, multi-user, walk-up-and-use, joy of use, UrbanLife+
Koch, Michael; Fietkau, Julian, Stojko, Laura; Buck, Anna (2021): „Designing Smart Urban Objects – Adaptation, Multi-user Usage, Walk-up-and-use and Joy of Use”. In: Koch, Michael; Ott, Florian (Eds.): Schriften zur soziotechnischen Integration, Volume 8. München: Forschungsgruppe Kooperationssysteme, Universität der Bundeswehr München.